G7 summit about Ukraine: what was discussed in the virtual meeting

G7 leaders pledge to support Ukraine ''for as long as necessary''. Here are the points discussed in the G7 extraordinary summit.
g7 summit

G7 leaders pledge to support Ukraine ”for as long as necessary’‘. This is what G7 leaders stated at the end of the virtual summit held on October 11th, 2022. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky also participated in the summit. He specifically called for the seven countries to help create an ”air shield” over Ukraine.

The issues discussed by the G7 leaders in the virtual summit

These are some of the points addressed at the extraordinary summit of G7 countries with Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky:

1. the G7 strongly condemns the most recent rocket attacks on civilian infrastructure and cities throughout Ukraine, which lead to the deaths of innocent civilians;

2. the G7 rejects Russia’s illegal attempt to annex the regions of Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporizhzhya and Kherson. Russia violated the principles of the UN Charter. They cannot and will not give Russia a legitimate basis to change the borders of Ukraine;

3. the G7 countries will continue to impose additional economic sanctions on Russia;

4. the G7 deplores any deliberate Russian escalatory steps, including the mobilisation of reservists and irresponsible nuclear rhetoric;

5. the G7 countries condemn Russia’s actions at the nuclear power plant in Zaporizhzhya and the pressure exerted on the facility’s personnel;

6. G7 reiterates the call to the Belarusian authorities to stop allowing the Russian war of aggression by allowing Moscow’s armed forces to use Belarusian territory and providing support;

7. G7 reaffirms the full support for Ukraine’s independence, territorial integrity and sovereignty within its internationally recognised borders;

8. G7 countries stand firm in the commitment to provide the support Ukraine needs to sustain its sovereignty and territorial integrity. They will continue to provide financial, humanitarian, military, diplomatic and legal support and will stand firmly with Ukraine for as long as necessary.

G7, what has been said about the gas and energetic crisis

Regarding gas supplies, Italian Prime Minister Draghi argued that ‘we have managed to diversify our energy sources and become increasingly independent from Russian gas. However, energy prices are still too high, it is a problem we have to tackle united’.

EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen wrote in a Tweet that the issue of the energy crisis and further actions to reduce the energy prices have also been addressed.

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